Last Thursday, I attended the Pumpkins After Dark event in Burnaby Central Park. I was prepared for ghouls, goblins, witches, and gargoyles, but instead, what they had were frightening bumps and a total lack of consideration for people in wheelchairs, strollers, or anything on four wheels or even canes. Don't get me wrong; the pumpkins and artistry were amazing. I know because I'm somewhat of an artist, too, if you can call writing that.
Let me tell you why I wasn't impressed.
When we first entered the gates, we immediately had to pass the food trucks, and there was no table to eat food at. And if you know me, it's hard to balance a hot plate of chicken strips and fries on your lap. So I had to eat in the lineup, and people were asking me if I was in line. There was just no place to sit and eat food.
The second glaring issue was an unexpected bumpy ride I endured which was very dangerous. We could hardly see the yellow curb that we had to go over. I was convinced I would get ejected out of my chair. I don't know if those bumps were a part of the park or put there by wires that had something to do with the light show.
The last part of the attraction was the parking. When we got out of the event two inconsiderate people jammed our bus into the parking space. It took two employees from the park to help the bus driver navigate out of that mess.
All that being said, the company that put this attraction on did a very good job except for the glaring accessibility issues pointed out above. I only say this because my view of the world is always on four wheels and I want the world to be the same for me as an able-bodied person.
I would give this event a seven and a half out of ten. I would recommend it to my able-bodied friends and family. And encourage the organizers to make it a little bit more accessible for those on four wheels.
Hope this review helps you decide if you want to go or not.
