Tomorrow is a day of remembrance in Canada. We wear poppies to remember those we lost and who are fighting overseas. During World War 2, my grandparents fought in the war on my father's side and my mother's side. I was lucky enough to know them for a good chunk of my life, but I never thought to thank them for their sacrifice, so in a way, this blog is a silent prayer of thanks and to show my gratitude for what they did.
My grandfather, William Bleackley, was injured in the war, but he survived and lived a very long life getting to see his grandchildren and great-grandchildren grow up and flourish. Every year we used to go to the Richmond Legion and celebrate with my family. I wish that I could go to legion tomorrow to thank those who serve and to remember my grandfather, but I guess in my own small way, I remember him now.
My other grandfather served in the Canadian Navy and came home to raise my mother and her two sisters. I was fortunate to know him as well until he passed at the age of 86. I guess my point in saying all of this is don't forget on the 11th hour on the 11th day to take a minute to thank those who came before you and those who are still fighting for our freedom overseas.
There are still some things that haven't changed, lest we forget. Wear your poppy proudly tomorrow, even though we may be in a different world. Thank you for your service. I hope I make you proud every single day. I will never forget you—love, your granddaughter Jillian.